What is the nurse role in evidence-based practice

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Reference no: EM132444576

Question: You will be researching a "Best Practice" in an area of nursing you are interested in. You will describe the best practice and why you chose it. You will also need to summarize the findings of your articles that relate to your best practice. You will need to explain how this best practice is relevant to new nurses and lastly, what is the nurse's role in evidence-based practice and research. You need to use a minimum of 2 recent (within the last 3 years), peer-reviewed, scholarly articles that you include with your submission. Your paper must be 3-5 pages and follow APA formatting. Please follow the rubric below for paper structure.

Reference no: EM132444576

Questions Cloud

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What is the nurse role in evidence-based practice : You will be researching a "Best Practice" in an area of nursing you are interested in. You will describe the best practice and why you chose it.
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Existence of taxes affect the optimal dividend policy : How does the existence of taxes affect the optimal dividend policy of a firm? Please explain how the expected growth rate of a company is related


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