What is the human capital return on investment

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133027406

What is the Human Capital Return on Investment for our company? This metric is used to help evaluate the employee return on investment. It is best used in comparison to other organisation HCROIs to help measure how effective a company is at controlling the costs of their workforce.

Reference no: EM133027406

Questions Cloud

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Reflect a wide range of existential concerns : Reflect a wide range of existential concerns that have an impact on us at various times in our lives: for example, our concern for promotion of human dignity
What is the human capital return on investment : What is the Human Capital Return on Investment for our company? This metric is used to help evaluate the employee return on investment.
How framing biases can affect one decisions : Explain how framing biases can affect one's decisions and what can be done to avoid being misled by them or how they can be used for (personal or social)
Define the relevant population for your poll : Critical Thinking about Statistics- Define the relevant population for your poll based on who you believe your clients will be (ie age, fitness level, location)
How can a person practiced face-saving : Can a lack of diversity inclusion of an organization be so strong that there is no way to bring respect for a diverse workplace back?
Charterd institute of personnel and development : The senior managers of a large financial institution recognize the importance of training and development for their staff.


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