What is the history of right to work laws

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131481458

One of the most hotly debated subjects in labor relations today is that of 'Right to Work' laws. It's time to do some deeper research and take a position on this controversial issue. In a narrative, do the following:

1. What is the history of 'Right to Work' laws? Where did they come from? Who proposed them and why? Has their purpose or effect changed since original inception? (MINIMUM 300 WORDS)

2. Accurately summarize both sides of the 'Right to Work' debate. What exactly is each side arguing, and what are the defenses to the claims of their opponents? (MINIMUM 300 WORDS)

3. Articulate your own opinion on this issue. Are 'Right to Work' laws ethically sound? Are they good for unions? Good for employers? Good for employees? If one or more of these stakeholders are disadvantaged, how? Do the benefits of these laws outweigh the costs? Why or why not? (MINIMUM 300 WORDS)

4. What is your prediction for 'Right to Work' laws in America? Currently, the country is divided more or less 50:50 in terms of states with and without such laws. Will they become the new norm? Or will they regress and be repealed in the states that have enacted them? Defend your predictions with sound reasoning. (MINIMUM 300 WORDS)


Reference no: EM131481458

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