What is the difference between sem and seo

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Reference no: EM132617021

Discussion 1: SEM/SEO: What is the difference between SEM and SEO, explain your concepts in terms of the notion of organic versus paid listings The chapter refers to the definition of one of them as "smell nice for Google" Which approach is that. How can we interpret the meaning of this sentence? In your reflection and as a general rule, what percentage of Click through rate can be expected on each one?

Reference no: EM132617021

Questions Cloud

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What ethical concerns might be with regards to marketing : For this business with the many different goods and services it markets, Discuss what ethical concerns there might be with regards to marketing to children
What is the difference between sem and seo : What is the difference between SEM and SEO, explain your concepts in terms of the notion of organic versus paid listings.How can we interpret the meaning
How uncertainty about the future affect the goods : Explain how uncertainty about the future affect the goods and services market and the financial market?
What will included in presentation of Income Tax Expense : A Deferred Tax Liability of $10, and Income Tax Payable of $90. What will be included in the presentation of Income Tax Expense on the 2018 Income Statement
What are the elements of the so-called formula : What are the elements of the so-called formula? Is this idea related to on and off page design? How? In your example provide one general example
Adopted global perspective to business : Thomas Friedman authored a book entitled, The World Is Flat. Since that time many people have adopted a global perspective to business.


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