What is the business ethics

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM131531878

Question: The discipline of business ethics comes under attack from a number of directions. The business practitioner may view its analytical methods as time-consuming and its prescriptions as soft and impractical. In particular, the recommendation to engage in dialogue with stakeholders is seen as detracting from the right to manage. Some academics and consultants often seem to prefer more ‘objective' methods of analysis and modelling, for example, as seen in texts on Business Strategy. For instance, it is currently fashionable to use concepts of power, sustainable competitive advantage and value appropriation in modelling competitive action, all notions with little linkage to ethical theory. Often ethics only comes into the picture when discussing strategy implementation, when it appears little more than Public Relations! Other radical critics of the business world view business ethics as tainted by its accommodation to a market philosophy and hence not capable of taking an independent and critical line. What use is business ethics?

Reference no: EM131531878

Questions Cloud

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Identifies the major social institutions in society : Prepare an introduction that identifies the major social institutions in society and why they are important.
What is the business ethics : The discipline of business ethics comes under attack from a number of directions. The business practitioner may view its analytical methods as time-consuming.
Working for cardware corporate counsel : You are the paralegal working for CARDWARE's corporate counsel and have been asked to draft a 2-3-page double-spaced memorandum to the CEO.
Prepare paper on unrealistic deadline for project completion : Prepare a 8-10 page Research paper on Unrealistic deadlines for project completion. Relationship of project to strategy of the business.
Controls entitled to use the bfoq defense : Is Johnson Controls entitled to use the BFOQ defense?
Investigate the ethics of fast food production : According to a recent survey (The Guardian, 17 November 2003), the UK's leading quoted companies gave 0.8 per cent of pre-tax profits to charities.


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