What is one suggestion you have for future presentations

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132477151

Assignment: In 8 to 10 slides with voice narration, provide a brief overview of the situation and, using the key concepts from your strategic communication case study, the steps that can be taken to remedy the issues. The audience for your presentation is your peers, and the goal of the presentation is to convince your audience that your communications will best address the problem you identified in the case study. Introduce the problem your communications are going to address and use the following sections of your final project to persuade your peers:

• Goals

• Justification

• Types of internal and external communications

• Mediums for both communications

• Target audiences and cultural considerations

• Potential sources of conflict

• Alignment with mission, vision, and goals

• Measurement-internal and external

Note: Although all of this information will be derived from the work you have done for your final project, be sure to revise the content for the purpose of the presentation and do not simply copy and paste.

In addition to your presentation, post a reflection on your experience in this course and in developing your final project, including the lessons you learned and how you plan to apply them in your personal or professional life.

In response to your peers' presentations, provide feedback on the following elements:

• Appropriateness of the presentation for audience and assignment

• Clarity of text and narration

• Tone

• Support and details

• Organization and transition

• Design and layout contributed to the effectiveness of the presentation (i.e., few or no distracting elements)

In addition, respond to the following questions:

• What was done particularly well?

• What is one suggestion you have for future presentations?

• Did you learn something new from your peer's presentation or find anything particularly helpful or interesting?

Reference no: EM132477151

Questions Cloud

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Why was the council of jerusalem important : Why was the Council of Jerusalem important? What did it determine regarding the degree to which Christians were required to observe Jewish Law?
What is one suggestion you have for future presentations : In 8 to 10 slides with voice narration, provide a brief overview of the situation and, using the key concepts from your strategic communication case study.
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What is meant by outcome indicators : Outcome indicators that have been developed and utilized to measure progress on the issue?
Discuss the needs specifically in terms : Inability to improve information systems will result in inappropriate and limited use of the critical information to health and human services professionals.
What is the value of the ending inventory of product A : Webster Company produces 36,000 units of product A, 28,000 units of product B, What is the value of the ending inventory of product A


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