What is kalyan jewellers and who is the target audience

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133299392

Topic: Competition analysis on Kalyan Jewellers-

Question 1: What is Kalyan Jewellers?
Question 2: What is their ongoing wedding campaign- name and other details

Question 3: Who is the target audience for this audience?

Question 4: What is the tonality of the campaign - are the inclusive in the sense that do they include family members of the bride or are they exclusive and just show bride or still of the jewellery photoshott?

Question 5: What are the jewellery that they are showcasing, is it traditional, modern or regional specific?

Question 6: How do their visuals look - is it only static or is it a mix of static and short videos?

Question 7: How did they roll out their campaign on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube- mention the starting date, post frequency, post type etc.

Reference no: EM133299392

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