What is a core competency and provide examples

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Reference no: EM132679805 , Length: Word count: 400

Submit a minimum of 200-word answer for each of the following questions :

Question 1: Explain what is a core competency and provide examples.

Question 2: What is (or will be) your venture's core competency and it is vital to your Value Proposition?

Reference no: EM132679805

Questions Cloud

How important is NAFTA to US textile and apparel industry : How important is NAFTA to the U.S. textile and apparel industry? Overall, why or why not do you think the U.S. textile and apparel industry
Discuss how an organization can motivate its employees : Discuss how an organization can motivate its employees to maintain/increase their productivity and performance without significantly increasing employees'
Journalize the necessary adjusting entry at the end : Journalize the necessary adjusting entry at the end of the accounting period assuming that the period ends on Thursday
Demonstrate three benefits of implementing the system : Demonstrate three benefits of implementing the system you have described in (a) above?
What is a core competency and provide examples : What is (or will be) your venture's core competency and it is vital to your Value Proposition? what is a core competency and provide examples.
What are key barriers to Internet access : What are the key barriers to Internet access such as availability, affordability and country readiness for your country?
What project management is and how it evolved over time : In the race for a competitive advantage, today's organizations are often tasked with multiple large in-house and outsourcing responsibilities when it comes.
Make the adjusting entry to record the accrued fees : At the end of the current year, $11,600 of fees have been earned but have not been billed to clients. Make the adjusting entry to record the accrued fees
What is compensation philosophy : What is your compensation philosophy? How would you compensate your employees and what guidelines will you use to direct how much each person will be paid?


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