What information would you want to consider before

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM131988962


Think of an organization with which you're familiar. Talk with someone about the sourcing function and respond to the following:

Part A

1. Select two products or services provided within the organization. Why is this done internally? Can either or both of these items be sourced externally?

2. Select one item that could be sourced externally. What information would you want to consider before deciding to outsource something currently done internally?

Part B

1. Are all suppliers treated the same at this organization? Why or why not?

2. If suppliers are treated the same, how might you change that process and why? If suppliers are treated differently, why?

Reference no: EM131988962

Questions Cloud

Password of an enterprise linux system : Give your opinion on the number of users that you believe should know / retain the root password of an enterprise Linux system.
Systems were infected with ransomware : If a personal/business systems were infected with ransomware, would you pay the ransom? How might this decision impact you and the business
Coommands available in privileged exec mode : Knowing the correct Cisco command and the appropriate mode to execute commands is a vital skill necessary for network administrat
Meaning at which kilometre count and date : The company keeps track of the kilometres a bike has travelled (the bikes have built-in counters) and when (meaning at which kilometre count and date) the last.
What information would you want to consider before : Select one item that could be sourced externally. What information would you want to consider before deciding to outsource something currently done internally?
Todays global business environment : What specific threats do YOU see in todays global business environment?
Discuss legal implications arising from bettys resistance : Should Jake's parents and other education professionals be involved in the decision process?
Discuss the difference between overloading : If a data member is declared as private, protected or public in a base class, discuss how it can or cannot be accessed in a public member function of a derived.
Explore how the cloud is being utilized now : Explore how the cloud is being utilized now. What opportunities exist to move to the cloud? Will it save money or solve a problem?


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