What draws visitors and customers to go to chinatown

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Reference no: EM131719387 , Length: word count:1800

Problem Statement

Chinatown is the central business district of Broome, a famous tourist destination in WA with a population of approximately 17,000. Recently, with the financial support of the state's ‘Royalties for Regions' program, the Chinatown Revitalisation Project (CPR) was drafted and founded in order to increase attractiveness and activity in Chinatown. A major issue addressed by the CPR was the need for extended trading hours, which has since been implemented through monthly trial nights from 5pm till 8pm.

This business report provides an overview about the issues of the previous trial nights, and therefore, the need for research about the effectiveness of the extended trading hours in Chinatown for participants.

The research questions to be answered are focused on identifying if longer opening hours will attract more visitors to Chinatown and the reasons for them to come to Chinatown. It will also be explored if it is lucrative for participating businesses to take part of the late-night trials in Chinatown.

Research Purpose

The purpose of the research is to identify if longer opening hours will attract more visitors to Chinatown and the reasons for the visitors to come to Chinatown. Another aim of the research is to determine if it is lucrative for participating businesses to take part in the late- night trials in Chinatown.

The first part of the research will be conducted, based on the following objectives: To identify how many visitors are attending late-night trading in Chinatown.

To find out the reason why they are visiting; is it for food, entertainment purposes or to purchase?

To find out which is/are the main attraction(s) for visitors to attend late-night trading in Chinatown.

In order to determine whether it is economically lucrative for participating retail businesses to open for late-night trading in Chinatown, the following are the objectives:

To find out how many late-night trial visitors are visiting retail shops.

To find out if the visitors to the retail shops are customers or potential customers.

Research Questions

This research will be conducted in order to answer the following primary research question:

Does late-night trading in Broome between the hours of 5pm-8pm result in an increased number of visitors and customers to Chinatown and the participating businesses?

The secondary/sub-questions relating to the research problem and to be investigated in this research are:

How many visitors are attending the late-night trials in Chinatown?

What draws visitors and customers to go to Chinatown and/or to visit the participating businesses at late night trading days?

Is it lucrative for the participating businesses to open for trade between the hours of 5pm and 8pm?

Research Hypothesis

On the basis what is known about the research problem and the theoretical considerations within it, as described by Bryman et al (2015, p.23), the following are the deduced hypotheses:

Hypothesis 1: opening between the hours of 5 pm to 8pm attracts more visitors to Chinatown.

Hypothesis 2: opening between the hours of 5 pm to 8pm is lucrative for participating businesses.

Reference no: EM131719387

Questions Cloud

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11/13/2017 1:46:26 AM

Are you able to write a literature review addressing the research problem as shown in the attached problem statement; following the attached assessment task and criteria? Recommended references are shown in the 3rd attachment. Task Description Review of published material in academic journals that provides guidance and background to the research questions you are developing. Your literature review will synthesise material in the form of a summary of what is known and the information gap/s the research needs to answer. Assessment Format: The format for providing your review of current research literature is in business report format with an assessment cover sheet, title page, executive summary, table of contents, introduction, followed by sections that outline the major aspects of literature by topic that are pertinent to your business research. Importantly, avcid trying to list all the material published. Instead, synthesise and evaluate it according to the research question/s you are seeking to answer.

Write a Review

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