What does charlie say about truth

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM131746082

Quiz Being John Malkovich Name ___Sapana Dahal___

1. Who tells Elijah, the chimp, "You don't know how lucky you are. Consciousness is a terrible curse"
a. Maxine
b. Craig
c. Lotte
d. Dr. Lester

2. Why are the ceilings so low on the 7 ½ floor of the Mertin Building?
a. To save on overhead
b. To cut back on construction cost
c. To honor Captain Mertin's wife who is a little person
d. Due to a mistake in construction

3. Where does Craig meet Maxine
a. At orientation
b. At Jerry's Juicitaria
c. The Stuff Pig
d. In the portal

4. Where does Craig meet Maxine after work?
a. At orientation
b. At Jerry's Juicitaria
c. The Stuff Pig
d. In the portal

5. Where is the portal to John Malkovich found?
a. At the Stuff Pig
b. Behind Dr. Lester's desk
c. In a room at Dr. Lester's house
d. Behind a filing cabinet

6. Where do you end up after being John Malkovich for 15 minutes?
a. Along the New Jersey Turnpike
b. At the Stuff Pig
c. In Central Park
d. Back at the Mertin Building

7. Who tells Maxine that the portal "raises all sorts of philosophical problems: The nature of self, existence of the soul. Am I me? Is Malkovich, Malkovich? This opens up a metaphysical can of worms."
a. Lotte
b. Craig
c. Floris
d. Dr. Lester

8. Who frees Lotte?
a. Craig
b. Maxine
c. Elijah
d. Dr. Lester

9. Who does Malkovich get relationship advice from?
a. Craig
b. Charlie
c. Dr. Lester
d. Emily

10. At the end of the movie Craig is stuck in the body of ___________________.
a. Elijah the chimp
b. Maxine
c. Emily the daughter of Maxine
d. The wife of Dr. Lester

Short Answer

1. Craig ponders, "What happens when a man goes through his own portal?" What did happen when Malkovich goes through his own portal?

2. What does Malkovich/Craig mean when he says "There is truth and there are lies. Art always tells the truth, even when it's lying."

3. What does Charlie say about truth?

4. Schwartz operates Malkovich like one of his puppets. But was Malkovich his own puppet master in his own body? Does this support the idea that our minds are trapped in out body?

5. Does the soul of Schwartz, trapped in Maxine and Lotte's daughter, indicate that maybe we have other souls trapped in our own body. Give an example that might indicate we are more than one soul.

Extra Credit

There are several performers who would go on to be nominated for Oscars in other movies. Who are they? Which one won (note this performer only has a very minor part in "Being" and is not listed in the cast) (also, Brad Pitt's photobomb does not count)

Unanswered question:

What happens to one's body when one is in Malkovich?

Reference no: EM131746082

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