What did educators think about the curriculum in question

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Reference no: EM132018805

Curriculum Currents Assignment 

We've discussed the ways in which curricula has evolved or changed with the social, political, and educational context of the times. These "currents" flowing around our educational system impact curricula in important ways.

These phenomena are not limited to general curricular questions, but can significantly impact specific areas of study as well.

Your task for this assignment is to investigate and present on the "currents" that surround a curriculum or subject area you are interested in.

These currents could be occurring in the present or at some point in the past.

In doing so, you will want to consider the following:

• What is/was the political, social and educational context for the time period?

• What are/were the primary questions or points of contention surrounding the curriculum currents?

• What role do/did those in power have in the development or changing of curriculum?

To what extent are politicians, education officials, state departments of education, education reformers, corporations, or think tanks involved?

• What do/did educators think about the curriculum in question?

Can you find examples of articles, blogs, research, commentaries...etc.? Is/Was there a general consensus between educators or are/were there a wide range of views?

• What do you think about the situation? How can you apply your knowledge about curriculum concepts, aims, history and theory to bring this issue into a wider focus?

Reference no: EM132018805

Questions Cloud

Discuss about the adult learning theory : Specify the aspects of this course that you believe will be the most useful to you in your present or future professional career or education.
Explain the principle value of two mission statements : Compare and contrast vision statements of each organization in terms of composition and importance. ?
Why should health care managers be aware of this change : What impact does this trend have on the stakeholder groups involved.why should health care managers be aware of this change and trend?
What should the listener do as a result of hearing this : What are the main contributions I can make? What should the listener do as a result of hearing this?
What did educators think about the curriculum in question : Your task for this assignment is to investigate and present on the "currents" that surround a curriculum or subject area you are interested in.
Create a profile of yourself as an educator : Inform you about family and community engagement that occurs from current early childhood professionals.
What you like about their behavioral-emotional expectations : What you like about their behavioral and emotional expectations. One obstacle they might face when implementing one of the ideas they discussed.
What the phrase by john c maxwell means : What the phrase by John C. Maxwell means to me that parents and different people working in the community as well as the center or school you work.
What is one prevalent issue in early childhood education : What is one prevalent issue in early childhood education today? Explain both sides of the debate regarding this issue.


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