What can be done to promote greater acceptance of diversity

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Reference no: EM131751398


The following statements measure attitudes toward diversity. Rate yourself on each item using the following scale:

1 = strongly disagree

2 = disagree

3 = neither agree or disagree

4 = agree

5 = strongly agree

1. Everyone should learn about cultural differences.

2. Cultural diversity is a valuable resource and should be preserved.

3. Trainers should plan activities that meet the diverse needs of trainees from different cultural backgrounds.

4. I am comfortable around students or coworkers whose cultural heritage is different from my own.

5. Cultural diversity is a positive force in the development of modern society.

6. Every culture has something positive to contribute to modern society.

7. Each person should feel pride in his or her own heritage.

8. I enjoy being around people who are different from me.

After you have completed rating the statements, in a 1 page essay, discuss diversity issues as you have experienced them in the classroom and/or in work settings. Share details about some of your friends or classmates who are from different cultures. In what ways are you different? Similar? In your view, what can be done to promote greater acceptance of diversity in any setting?

Be sure to include at least 1 refrence in apa format.

Reference no: EM131751398

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