What are the most reliable techniques

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM131666044

Analyse and determine a research methodology that integrates research tools and methodologies in order to solve the research problem.

Develop an implementation plan and submit a project proposal based on last assignments

1- What are the most reliable techniques to ensure precise estimation in construction projects in India?

2- What are the success factors of accurate estimation of Construction projects?

Verified Expert

This is the continuation of last 2 papers on introduction and literature review. This part is methodology. More details on data sources and collection procedures are explained here. PPT is also added.

Reference no: EM131666044

Questions Cloud

Explain how counter purchasing works : Identify 3 advantages of counter-trade? Explain how counter purchasing works.
Why was the healthcare gov project so important : Why was the Healthcare gov project so important? What was the economic, political, and social impact of Healthcare.gov's botched implementation?
Managing zulu because the breach of fiduciary duties : (a) Is automatically disqualified from managing Zulu because the breach of fiduciary duties is an offence under Australian law;
Reviewed to make a valid recommendation to the committee : Describe the resources that should be reviewed to make a valid recommendation to the committee.
What are the most reliable techniques : Analyse and determine a research methodology that integrates research tools and methodologies in order to solve the research problem-estimation of projects
Discuss the vexing issue of wrongful convictions : Prepare a brief essay analyzing and reacting to one of two recent articles that raise critically important issues of the criminal justice system.
Describe an issue or problem in public health : Describe an issue or problem in public health that could be addressed with a policy change, including:
Discuss what types of damages are recoverable : Does the Montreal Convention specify what types of damages are recoverable or whether the husband may bring an action
How you will select your sample population : the research method (qualitative or quantitative) how you will select your sample population, how you will collect your data and how you will analyze your data.



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10/7/2017 6:02:09 AM

Hi there in ppt file, please write proper script not just writing in ppt slides. please go through ppt and give me proper script in word file there is marks of good script. please go through conversion history. Can you please add the table attach in file in my solution as per my objective this is for your reference. 25323366_1IMG-20171007-WA0014.jpg


10/7/2017 6:00:33 AM

This is my previous two assignment A1 partA and A1 partB And i got this comment for Literature Review (A1 partB) from Tutor please keep in mind. (Happy to see a great improvement from the last assignment. The quality of writing and presentation is excellent. Your background reading and efforts in conducting this review is well demonstrated. 25323328_1PPMP20015 PartA.pdf 25323328_2PPMP20015 Part B 2.pdf This two image will help you for Gantt chart This below line you will find in structure file on Page no 4 which i send you before (Students to submit a Gantt chart to outline the timeline for conducting proposed research in PPMP20016.) So to clear your confusion PPMP20016 is our next term Subject and we want Gantt chart on PPMP20016. So you use start date 5th to 1st 25323333_1IMG 20170925 145159.jpg 25323390_2IMG 20170925 143323.jpg Script for each slide is compulsory, hope you got all data you want still for confusion please contact me. Last but not the least Add at least 10-12 reference in solution


10/7/2017 5:55:20 AM

In this attachment there is structure and instruction for Both assignment A1Part C and Presentation A2 so please Strictly follow this structure and guideline while preparing because Tutor is very strict. Notes. A1 PartA and A1 PartB was my previous assignment made by you which gave you good grade, so now you are going to make A1 partc and Presentation is A2 which cover A1 part A,B,C. Please go through this attach file you will understand 25323326_1advice and structure file.pdf this is example file 25323385_1Example of Full Project Proposal Assignment 3.pdf

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