What are the factors to consider in deciding given approach

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM131814358

Discussion: "Implementing Change"

Respond to the following questions along with at least 2 substantive peer replies (for a minimum of 3 posts):

• What are the factors to consider in deciding whether a fast or slow approach to change is best?

• What are the factors to consider in deciding whether a top-down or participatory approach to change is best?

• Describe a situation where you were either a change recipient or a change leader and a poor choice was made for at least one of these two decisions (use an example from an organization in which you currently work or formerly worked, or use a volunteer organization, a church, a sports team, a fraternity/sorority, etc).

Your initial post should be a minimum of 150 words and specifically reference the applicable elements of this week's reading.

Reference no: EM131814358

Questions Cloud

Mean weight readings by the newly designed device vary : Precision weighing devices are sensitive to environmental conditions. Temperature and humidity in a laboratory room where such a device is installed.
Explain what are the components of competitive strategy : Explain what are the components of competitive strategy? Within competitive strategy what is the relevance of a value change framework?
Identify the specific section of the fba report : Identify the specific section of the FBA Report that is impacted by this component and how it will eventually be related to the development of a behavior plan.
Journalize the entries to record the issuance of the note : Journalize the entries to record (a) the issuance of the note and (b) the payment of the note at maturity, including interest. Assume a 360-day year
What are the factors to consider in deciding given approach : Discussion- Implementing Change- What are the factors to consider in deciding whether a top-down or participatory approach to change is best?
Differences among the mean real costs of ownership : Test, using the ANOVA F-test at the 5% level of significance, whether the data provide sufficient evidence to conclude that there are differences.
Provide evidence of how this crm program was implemented : Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper in which you provide evidence of how this CRM program was implemented.
Journalize the entry to record the issuance of the note : A business issued a 60-day note for $39,000 to a creditor on account. Journalize the entry to record the issuance of the note
Determine the mean weight loss of the combined sample : Helping people to lose weight has become a huge industry in the United States, with annual revenue in the hundreds of billion dollars.


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