Understanding the laws and how they work in practice

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM132994005 , Length: word count:500

PHE3LMH Law and Management in Health - La Trobe University

TASK - Child protection and mandatory reporting

The law is a vitally important instrument for protecting the health, wellbeing and welfare of our most vulnerable residents.

Task 4 engages you in learning about and developing an understanding of laws and regulations affecting a significant issue for health and wellbeing in our society - child protection and mandatory reporting of child abuse and neglect.

Task 4Prepare a 500-word discussion in response to the following statement:

"In Victoria, understanding the laws and how they work in practice in relation to mandatory reporting of child abuse and neglect is an issue that only teachers and police need to be concerned about."

Include in your response
• Any law/s relevant to mandatory child abuse reporting in Victoria
• Explain briefly how the Victorian law/s were developed, why and when
• Explain to whose professional practice and/or civil duties the laws relate. Link (part of ) your answer back to the above statement
• State the actual procedure for reporting child abuse and neglect and include the institutions that are involved
• Comment on the connection between any relevant ethical principles/theories and law in relation to the reporting of child abuse and neglect
• Comment on the issue of confidentiality and legal liability as it relates to mandatory reporting of child abuse and neglect.

Attachment:- Law and Management in Health.rar

Reference no: EM132994005

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PHE3LMH Law and Management in Health Assignment : PHE3LMH Law and Management in Health Assignment Help and Solution, La Trobe University - Assessment Writing Service


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