Under what circumstances can use mentioned in copyright law

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM131528351

Contracts Assignment

Your manager has a concern that a subcontractor wants to use a video they found on the Internet to advertise their services. The subcontractor intends to include your company's name as a client. In a white paper, describe the following to the manager:

• Under what circumstances are videos on the Internet subject to the Copyright Law of 1974?
• Under what circumstances can "use" mentioned in the copyright law justify the use of the video?
• Discuss what options the subcontractor can take to ensure no copyright violation occurs?

600 to 800 words.

APA Format.

Reference no: EM131528351

Questions Cloud

How are such agreements viewed generally : Even if it is legal, how are such agreements viewed generally? Are they perceived as fair among the general public?
Explain receiving inspection program at their plant : Explain receiving inspection program at their plant. Supplier certificatory they do with their suppliers. Inspection procedures and frequencies.
Prepare entries for these transactions : Quisp Co. had the following transactions in the last two months of its year ended December 31.
Discuss the importance of using critical thinking : Discuss the importance and benefits of using critical thinking.Relate the importance and benefits of critical thinking to the example provided.
Under what circumstances can use mentioned in copyright law : Under what circumstances can "use" mentioned in the copyright law justify the use of the video?
Define supply chain management : Define supply chain management it should include its historical perspective also.
How should depreciation be recorded : Jackie Bergez works for Sea Biscuit Co. She and Bob Welch, her manager, are preparing adjusting entries for annual financial statements.
Explain your strategic plan to improve customer satisfaction : Explain your strategic plan to improve customer satisfaction. Analyze the external and internal issues that impact your strategic plan.
Sharing information with organizations in a supply chain : What trade-offs are involved in (a) sharing information with other organizations in a supply chain and (b) the acquisition of information-processing technology?


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