How are such agreements viewed generally

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM131528355

Arbitration Memo Assignment

Suppose that you are the HR manager for a company. Following a string of expensive law suits with former employees, your boss asks you to prepare a memo articulating whether or not your company should add a new policy in all employment agreements and employee handbooks which makes arbitration mandatory for any disputes arising out of employment with your company. Your boss is interested in reducing both the cost and public visibility of employment disputes, but she is also concerned about any legal problems with executory arbitration, including precedents, as well as any negative PR that might come out of such a move. Draft said memo thoroughly discussing the options and their implications. Be sure to address, at minimum, the following:

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of arbitration as compared with the status quo of litigation? Are there any other alternatives worth considering?

2. Is executory arbitration legal? Are there any circumstances under which such an agreement might not be enforceable?

3. Even if it is legal, how are such agreements viewed generally? Are they perceived as fair among the general public? Are there any potential repercussions in that respect worth considering?

4. What are the implications concerning arbitration in terms of precedent and privacy? Do arbitration decisions create legal precedent? If so, can employees disclose information discussed in arbitration hearings to other parties without the company's consent, such that it may be used in subsequent disputes?

Submission Instructions:

This assignment should at a minimum contain 1,000 words of content (there are four parts, so this is ~250 words each) and should be in APA format including a properly formatted cover page (abstracts are optional) and a reference page with at least three NEW references ("new" here means references that you have not already used in previous assignments in this course). Providing additional references to your assignments demonstrate your desire to conduct additional research on the topic area, and can improve your research skills.

Reference no: EM131528355

Questions Cloud

What is the history of that economic system : What is the history of that economic system? How is the country involved in international trade? How does the government get involved in trade issues?
Significant and controversial issue in united states : Identify a significant and controversial issue in the United States. Then choose one of the ten cultural clusters (not Anglo) found in Country Clusters
Resource use against budgeted projections : What systems could a work group use to map resource use against budgeted projections? Identify and describe two systems.
Create a scope statement for your individual case : Create a scope statement for your individual case study project. As with earlier deliverables, use a business writing style where applicable.
How are such agreements viewed generally : Even if it is legal, how are such agreements viewed generally? Are they perceived as fair among the general public?
Explain receiving inspection program at their plant : Explain receiving inspection program at their plant. Supplier certificatory they do with their suppliers. Inspection procedures and frequencies.
Prepare entries for these transactions : Quisp Co. had the following transactions in the last two months of its year ended December 31.
Discuss the importance of using critical thinking : Discuss the importance and benefits of using critical thinking.Relate the importance and benefits of critical thinking to the example provided.
Under what circumstances can use mentioned in copyright law : Under what circumstances can "use" mentioned in the copyright law justify the use of the video?


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