Topic on ecosystem connections

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM131522164

Topic: Ecosystem Connections

What can happen when you remove or add fish or nutrients to an ecosystem? Search in your textbook or on the internet for examples of case studies where this has happened and describe the ecological effects of such an addition or subtraction in one or more case studies. Be sure to let us know where you got the information, and try to focus your attention on aquatic ecosystems involving fishes.  Useful search terms might be invasive species, introduced species, overfishing, extinction, extirpation, eutrophication, runoff, alternative stable states, and trophic cascades. Once we've accumulated some good examples, try to answer the following questions. Is it easy or hard to predict what will happen when we perturb an ecosystem? Why or why not?

Reference no: EM131522164

Questions Cloud

Define liabilities and stockholders equity : Preferred stock has characteristics of both liabilities and stockholders' equity. Convertible bonds are another example of a financing arrangement that blurs.
Calculate the projected earnings per share : Renegade Clothing is struggling to meet analysts' forecasts. It's early December 2012, and the year-end projections are in.
What action do you recommend that the county take : What action do you recommend that the county take and what policies should the county adopt to reduce the possibility of age discrimination suits in the future?
Assume the market return and risk-free rate remain unchanged : Assume the market return and risk-free rate remain unchanged.
Topic on ecosystem connections : What can happen when you remove or add fish or nutrients to an ecosystem? Search in your textbook or on the internet for examples of case studies.
Write a summary of what you learned about company you bought : Include a brief summary of what you learned about each company (not the stock but the company) you "bought". A, B, and C.
Dermatology and cardiology : Write 2 reports (referring to the departments of Dermatology and Cardiology) and use them as your script for your Oral Report.
Discuss the concept of ecological services : In a 2 page paper, using APA-style formatting, define and discuss the concept of ecological services.
Hemorrhaging becomes a complication : Patient is given emergency cesarean in which hemorrhaging becomes a complication. Which of the following is the best next step for this patient?


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