The job description for a human resources officer

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Reference no: EM131577277

Human Resources Officer

A career is a life long journey and as we develop our skills, our dream job may alter. But once we learn ourselves, your journey becomes clearer which creates more of an understanding of what you are trying to achieve. At that moment, you realize how to make your dream job become your reality.

Not too long ago, I didn't know what I wanted in life. All I knew was that I needed more and I needed to start with higher education. I've worked with several governmental organizations, but never was content.

After many years and rough times, I believe now that I am on the path to my dream job. I'm currently working as a pathways intern with the Department of Veterans Affairs in the Human Resources Management Service at the hospital. The Internship Program is for current students.

If you're a current student in high school, college, trade school or other qualifying educational institution, you may be eligible. This program offers paid opportunities to work in federal agencies and explore federal careers while completing your education(Unites States Office of Personnel Management, 2017).

Luckily, I am in staffing and recruiting where one of my requirements are to draft job announcements.

Job description and specifications:

The job description for A Human Resources Officer was found on the government's website. "The Human Resources Officer has delegated responsibility for the planning, direction, control, coordination, operation, and evaluation of the facility's human resources management program".

Additional responsibilities include:

• Serves as a key advisor and consultant to senior management and influences the acceptance and exercise of human resources management, concepts, practices, and innovations,

• Formulates and recommends policies and establishes and implements human resources activities, techniques, and methods to ensure sound, meaningful, and practical human resources administration.

• Provides advice and guidance to all supervisory levels on human resources management principles, techniques, acceptable personnel practices, as well as statutory, regulatory, and procedural requirements.

Unites States Office of Personnel Management. (2017). Students and Recent Graduates.

Reference no: EM131577277

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