The flagellants-at avignon the papacy

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM13233165

1. The Black Death of 1348-1350

a. was one of many plagues to hit Europe             

b. began in north and moved to south Europe        

c. outbreaks recurred in 14th to 15th century

d. ended as quickly as it began

e. never reached England or Scandinavia

2. The flagellants

a. carried battle flags for the French kings           

b. abused themselves for repentance                  

c. treated plague victims with medical experiments

d. were commended for public service

e. were declared heretics in 14th century

3. The Hundred Years' War was characterized by

a. early English losses to French army                

b. England would not use new weapons             

c. English raids on defenseless villages

d. strong French royal leadership

e. papal preference for the English over the French

4. Among the general trends of 14th century European politics was

a. parliaments founded in many countries           

b. financial shortfalls among rulers                      

c. the end of factionalized nobility

d. stability of traditional feudal loyalties

e. mystical devotion by most rulers

5. In the 14th century France saw

a. increasing dominance of the Estates General

b. no new forms of government revenues          

c. near civil war over monarchical succession

d. all classes represented in government

e. victory over the English in the Hundred Years' War

6. At Avignon the papacy

a. made its bureaucracy more specialized and efficient

b. gained prestige throughout Europe             

c. suffered from lack of income

d. became a more purely spiritual institution

e. developed a more efficient papal succession

7. One result of the Great Schism was to

a. put an end to ecclesiastical financial abuses

b. make Christians doubt the spiritual authority of the Church

c. rejuvenate Christianity after a spiritual decline

d. make the pope a stronger figure

e. increase England's power in ecclesiastical affairs

8. Dante's Divine Comedy

a. described the soul's progress to salvation   

b. was the last literary work written in Latin  

c. lashed out at the classics as barbarous

d. attacked the science of Aristotle

e. avoided any political commentary

9. The Florentine writer Petrarch is known for all of the following EXCEPT

a. sonnets written in Italian vernacular             

b. a call for revival of classical learning            

c. a book of folk tales called Decameron

d. strong advocacy of individualism

e. sonnets to a woman named Laura

10. Giovanni di Dondi's clock

a. showed the signs of the zodiac               

b. could be found in every royal court in Europe

c. was easily made and became widely known

d. was first mechanical instrumented patented

e. proved too unreliable for use in armies.

Reference no: EM13233165

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