Take the lmx self-assessment listed in the module

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132859392

-Think of one experience in which you are the leader or the follower in a team (or a group of people). Briefly describe this context (e.g. What's the purpose of the team? How big is the team? What power does the leader have?).

-Take the LMX self-assessment listed in the module, and describe your role in this context (leader, in-group, or out-group).

-What behaviors of the leader create in-group versus out-group distinctions in this context? How do these behaviors influence members' performance and well-being?

-Should the leader in this context expect that he/she can establish in-group relationships with all of his/her team members or a majority of them? Why or why not? Can he/she still be perceived as fair if he/she can not?

-In this context, what responsibilities do team members have for creating high-quality relationships with their leaders? What steps should they take to help this happen?

Reference no: EM132859392

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