Systems in one or two specified function

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132760533

The assignment is an opportunity for students to apply course concepts to practical situations and to assess students' grasp and understanding of the course concepts.

You will select a company and examine a system or systems in one or two specified function (Human Resources, Sales & Marketing, Supply Chain, Accounting etc.) that could be used to perform operational and strategic business processes within that function.

You will need to explain and recommend emerging new system or technology to replace older systems.

Other than the factual information of the company and the system.

1. Who are the parties involved and what are their interest? Human Resources? Accounting? Others?

2. Who are the decision makers? CEO? Managers? Others?

3. Pros and Cons of the system solution and implementation?

4. Can the system be fixed?

5. If necessary, what are some other systems out there suitable for replacement?

6. What are the benefits/ liabilities of the new system and its related business processes?

(For example, a company's payroll system - Phoenix)

Reference no: EM132760533

Questions Cloud

Communicating the organization strategies : you are responsible for communicating the organization's strategies in a way that makes the employees understand the role
Classic example used to demonstrate game theory : The prisoner's dilemma is a classic example used to demonstrate game theory.
How though do project managers proceed from deliverables : How though do project managers proceed from deliverables, to activities, to the logical sequence?
Perceptual elements of visual media communication : Analyze and interpret perceptual elements of visual media communication to identify effective visual messages.
Systems in one or two specified function : You will select a company and examine a system or systems in one or two specified function
Time series and future prediction of value : Time series and future prediction of value is something that many of you likely deal with at work.
Explain how your innovation has changed : Explain how your chosen innovation has changed the way you complete daily tasks. Explain how the innovation has, itself, changed over time.
Explanation of liability with federal : An explanation of liability with federal, state, and local taxes and how you will protect the business and yourself (if sole proprietor).
Virtual teams in today digital environment : Research and write a paper on the advantages and disadvantages of virtual teams in today's digital environment.


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