Supporting net neutrality

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132759161

v1.) Explain net neutrality and how are we currently affected by the new administration's decision to re-write existing laws. Explain some of the recent events that have happened regarding the FCC ruling. * Stick to facts and limit personal political opinion*

2.) Recently, Burger King launched a commercial explaining net neutrality with the use of their own Whopper burger. In the video perplexed customers become increasingly irate as it is explained to them that the sooner they want their Whopper, the more they have to pay. When it is explained that Burger King makes more money on chicken sandwiches, which are available immediately at standard rates, people only get madder.

Click on the link to watch the video and answer the following

1.) Briefly discuss your thoughts after watching the video

2.) How can companies supporting net neutrality use their voice/power to inform their customers and fight this ruling?

Reference no: EM132759161

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