Strategy of inquiry and data collection plan

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM132391640

Develop and post in this forum a slideshow presentation that presents a research proposal for the qualitative scenario below.

Your presentation should include:

Title slide with your name

Problem Statement

Research Question(s)

Qualitative Design (Strategy of Inquiry)

Data Collection Plan



There are numerous factors that go into starting up a company. In recent space flight tourism start-up, StuGoSpace, the board of directors is concerned that marketing will not target the right demographic. They have budgeted to spend $20M on advertising and want to ensure that the money is spent wisely, attracting the best potential travelers for their newly tested (and FAA approved) 8-person, commercial spacecraft. The company is going to lease operations out of New Mexico and wants to target any high potential travelers who can afford the $600K per seat/1.5-hour low-earth-orbit spaceflight.

You have been asked as a consultant to:

Define the problem.

Develop a qualitative research design that includes a research question(s), strategy of inquiry, and data collection plan.

Reference no: EM132391640

Questions Cloud

Review history of patient-centered medical homes : Review the following source outlining the history of patient-centered medical homes: Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative. (n.d.). History.
Workplace law scenario analysis : What evidence does Nurse Deb have that could help her win the case? What law protects the hospital's mandated vaccination procedures?
Provide organization and strategic flexibility : What does this TIP from Fast Company Mean: "The job of the CIO is to Provide organization and strategic Flexibility"?
European union emissions trading scheme : The U.S. passed a bill into law prohibiting "operators of civil aircraft of the United States from participating in European Union's emissions trading scheme.
Strategy of inquiry and data collection plan : Develop a qualitative research design that includes a research question(s), strategy of inquiry, and data collection plan.
Different types of qualitative literature : You will do a review of different types of qualitative literature. find one "Scholarly & Peer Reviewed"
Identify an instance of hegemonic struggle in pop culture : Question - For this thought paper, please identify an instance of hegemonic struggle in pop culture today or in pop culture historically
Technologies employed by the different operational domains : You should be able to compare and contrast via analysis the different technologies employed by the different operational domains.
Unmanned aircraft system architecture : Unmanned Aircraft System Architecture, Unmanned Spacecraft System Architecture, Unmanned Underwater Vehicle or Surface Vehicle Architecture


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