State private portion of class to model the item

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM1369614

In c++ define the private portion of a class to model the given item :

1. a class Date for dates consisting of a month, day and year.
2. a class PhoneNumber for a telephone numbers consisting of area code, local exchange, and number.
3. a class Checker of the position of a checker on a board.
4. a class CartesianPoint for a point (x,y) in a Cartesian coordinate system.
5. a class PolarPoint for a point (r, thita) in a polar coordinate system.
6. a class Card for card in a deck of playing cards.

then add appropriate operations to the classes 1 to 6 and emplement them with functions. to test these classes,write driver program.

Reference no: EM1369614

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State private portion of class to model the item : In c++ state the private portion of a class to model the given item: a class Date for dates consisting of a month, day and year. a class PhoneNumber for a telephone numbers consisting of area code, local exchange, and number.
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