Show the processs of job and recruitment

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Reference no: EM1369741

Processs of job and recruitment

First of all it has to be seen why the job exists, what are the needs of the job, responsibilities, can transfer of a candidate from other department will suffice or a fresh candidate with appropriate back ground will be better suited. It is no longer the case of simply filling a vacancy any more. The organization is facing competition from others in the same industry and to survive has to deliver the goods at the reasonable price and of better quality. It must be done well in time.

Various jobs require candidates with varied experience, talent, and background. Highly qualified and trained people are difficult to retain. They are career oriented persons with defined goals in life. High salary and perquisites are not their sole goal.

Candidates need to be interviewed in a free and frank atmosphere. Exchange of questioning should be two sided It has to be evaluated whether the candidate can bear the mental and physical strain in the discharge of his duties. What training he requires to improve his job knowledge and efficiency.

It is the responsibility of the HR to keep reviewing the need of candidates in various departments. Over staffing is as bad as under. It affects the quality of the work and nobody can be held responsible for the job. HR must keep an eye on the future needs of the organization keeping in view the expansion, introduction of new technology, redundancy, absorption and training of the redundant department's personnel.

Then the question arises how the job offer will be made? It directly depends on the type of the position. If it is for the COO the candidates will be of middle aged normally, well educated and experienced and hence will expect better treatment compared to new recruits. How the organization behaves reflects its culture, environment, type of leadership and ethical practices.

Some vacancies have to be filled under the governmental instruction falling under Title seven (VII) EEOA of 1972. The approach towards them will be completely different compared to other candidates.

Reference no: EM1369741

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