Review the reports of your performance

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Reference no: EM132609056


At this point in the course, the simulation has reached its half-way point with the completion of four regular rounds and four regular rounds remaining. At this point, your group will report its progress.

Required Materials
• Deepwater Student Handbook
• Reports of complete simulation rounds
• Group strategy

Review the reports of your performance in the first 4 regular rounds of the simulation. Your group will prepare a group report of not more than 5 pages describing your experience with the Deepwater simulation, including:
• A summary of your financial performance.
• A discussion of the ethical challenges you confronted.
• How you prepared your strategy and how you changed your strategy throughout the simulation.

Attachment:- Deepwater Simulation.rar

Reference no: EM132609056

Questions Cloud

What is coaching and its contribution to motivation : What is coaching and its contribution to motivation, productivity, and engagement.
What is the best source of finance for a start up business : What is the best source of finance for a start up business of Skii Equipment? Explain the term mean Skii Equipment. Provide the proper example.
Find what would the monthly payment be : A $100,000 mortgage 10-year amortization, What would the monthly payment be if payments were due at the beginning of the month instead of the end of the month?
Improve a bad situation with a teammate : Give an example of how you can improve a bad situation with a teammate
Review the reports of your performance : Review the reports of your performance in the first 4 regular rounds of the simulation. Your group will prepare a group report of not more than 5 pages
Discuss the importance of determining a firm cost of capital : Discuss the importance of determining a firm cost of capital? Moneague Wholesale Ltd. Income Statement for the year ended Dec. 31, 2019
Define symptoms of a business problem : Define symptoms of a business problem. Give an example as to how it applies to the banking and education industries.
Discuss the sensitivity of the model to changes in the value : Discuss the sensitivity of the model to changes in the value of the input variables. PRS Corporation uses one of the cash conversion models to manage
Solve balance in the deferred tax asset or liability account : Solve the balance in the deferred tax asset or liability account as at December 31, 2019. Since Devon Ltd. began operations on Jan.1, 2019


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