Recent science story from any source

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM132368237

Get a (one) recent science story from any source: internet, TV news and documentaries, magazines or radio and write one typed page answering the following questions:

a) Describe in. At least 6 typed lines

b) What is your source (for e.g. Science 2018. Vol.2, Pg 80-81 or New York Times June 06, 2017). Needs to be from year 2017 or year 2018.

c) Does it have a biological connection. Yes/ No. Why, explain?

d) Is the reporting of the story accurate- i.e. has it followed the steps of the scientific method. Explain. Tell me what scientific steps were used or not used. Controls, experimental group, no. of subjects in study.

e) Are there new questions that arise from this story (you need to think about questions that can arise as science is constantly evolving to get your 1 pt for this question.

f) Is there a connection to your own life. Yes/No. Why.

Reference no: EM132368237

Questions Cloud

Cycle of synthesis and degradation during cell division : Discuss what cyclins are, their role in cell division and what effect the loss of mitotic cyclins would have.
Investigate suitable network designs to match requirements : Investigate suitable network designs to match requirements - Create appropriate frameworks and standards for network implementation - Suitable IP addressing
Explain the effect of ionizing radiation in eradicating : A 45 years old woman has been receiving radiation therapy for breast cancer. a. Explain the effect of ionizing radiation in eradicating tumor cells.
The simplicity of the tax system : MLC703 - Principles of Income Tax Law - Deakin University - Discuss what would be the advantages of disadvantages of doing so. Include in your discussions
Recent science story from any source : Get a (one) recent science story from any source: internet, TV news and documentaries, magazines or radio and write one typed page answering the following quest
What information you found that you can apply to audience : What information you found that you can apply to the audience for the site you are working on? What about any audience?
Audit strategy and audit evidence : Demonstrate an understanding of the auditor's professional, legal and ethical responsibilities to their clients and third parties - Understand audit planning
Explain steps of camp and calcium second messenger : Explain the steps of the cAMP and calcium second messenger systems in activating a target cell. Be able to identify hormonal examples that utilize these systems
Demographic data for a population of rodents : Demographic data for a population of rodents is collected over many generations. The data is placed into a life table that produces a Type II survivorship curve


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