Provide a report on issue with a leadership theory

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM131976609

Prepare and Submit a Report -

Provide a report that links your chosen issue(Ethics and social responsibility) with a leadership theory, discusses a leader and their impact on that issue, and then relates this information to your own leadership journey and draws conclusions into an action plan for yourself.

Choosing a leader

Select a leader of sufficient prominence that you can access public information to give a rich picture of that individual's leadership style, characteristics, and values.

You may wish to go on the discussion board and share suggestions of suitable cases.

The leader may be: . a leader in a public sector or publicly funded institution . a business or community leader . a leader in your own work organisation Your leader must be living.

Your selection will be guided by consideration of the following:

Your career goals and interests (Do you specifically want to learn about roles and positions within your own work organisation? Are you interested in leadership more broadly?

Are you interested in how your work organisation engages with external stakeholders?) How you are theorising leadership (How closely do you imagine leadership as an aspect of management? Are you purposefully challenging leadership stereotypes?)

Availability of information (A pragmatic choice based on access to quality information). On this point note that although you will want to be able find information easily for particularly prominent leaders there can be overload of information.

Collect the information about the leader Research as many publicly available sources as possible get a rich picture of your selected leader. Sources may include: Books (autobiography, biographies, critiques) Academic journals Internet (News feeds, blogs, comments, company or institutional sites) Television, radio Official documents (Annual reports, institutional policies and communications) YouTube News items, feature articles Social media (Twitter, Facebook)

Prepare notes that will help you address the tasks required of the written component of this assessment. Record quotes, examples and critical incidents that can be used as points of discussion and analysis.

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The paper gives information about the two leadership theories and the leadership qualities of the owner of Virgin Brand, Richard Branson has also been provided. Along with this, among the both theory which theory is most followed by the organisation is briefly discussed in this context. The working behavior of Richard Branson that makes his organization as one of the successful business company in the world has also been further discussed. Apart from this the responsibility of the leader in the social and ethical problems are also briefly discussed in this context. The leader Richard Branson maintain a good relation with their employees and fulfill the customer needs and thus it makes him a great leader of the nation.

Reference no: EM131976609

Questions Cloud

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Calculate the volume of the base solution : The solution is titrated and reaches an equivalence point when 21.65 m L of a 0.6515M solution of HNO3 is added. Calculate the volume of the base solution:
What would the hydroxide ion concentration : 1. What would the hydrogen ion concentration be if the pOH was 4. 2. What would the hydroxide ion concentration be if the hydrogen ion concentration was 1 x 10
Provide a report on issue with a leadership theory : Select a leader of sufficient prominence that you can access public information to give a rich picture of that individual's leadership style, characteristics
Inform your supervisor that you have completed the email : You must email your supervisor and leave a response updating him or her that you have sent out the new vacation policy email to staff.
Calculate the ph of the following : Calculate the pH of the following: Calculate the pOH for the following:
What is one strategy you could apply to your economic life : what is one strategy you could apply to your economic life at home? Discuss how we can use this information to encourage our own economic growth.
What would you like to do in the future : Consider your audience. Who do think will be reading this information? Consider what is important to the reader and emphasize those points.


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