Inform your supervisor that you have completed the email

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Reference no: EM131976608

Assignment : Voice Mail Follow-Up

Your supervisor has asked to you write a brief email on the vacation policy changes to be distributed to staff. You have just finished up and have sent your newly constructed email to the staff.

Now, you must email your supervisor and leave a response updating him or her that you have sent out the new vacation policy email to staff.

Leave a follow-up reply email for your supervisor when you have completed the email in which you:

1. Inform your supervisor that you have completed the email.

2. Confirm to which employees you sent the email.

3. Confirm the date and time when you sent the email.

4. Target the appropriate professional audience.

5. Meet three to five (3-5) sentence minimum requirement.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

• Demonstrate understanding of the basic fundamentals of communication.

• Develop and practice communication skills, including verbal, nonverbal, listening, writing, interpersonal, perception, and critical thinking.

• Use various electronic communication platforms in academic and professional work.

• Relate to the interpersonal and organizational dynamics that affect communication in organizations.

• Analyze and assess effective communication.

• Use correct sentence mechanics, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style.

• Use technology and information resources to research issues in communications.

• Write clearly and concisely about communications using proper writing mechanics.

Reference no: EM131976608

Questions Cloud

Review your friends inappropriate social media content : You want to help your friend, but you know her social media sites have photos and other material that violate your company's social media policy.
Calculate the volume of the base solution : The solution is titrated and reaches an equivalence point when 21.65 m L of a 0.6515M solution of HNO3 is added. Calculate the volume of the base solution:
What would the hydroxide ion concentration : 1. What would the hydrogen ion concentration be if the pOH was 4. 2. What would the hydroxide ion concentration be if the hydrogen ion concentration was 1 x 10
Provide a report on issue with a leadership theory : Select a leader of sufficient prominence that you can access public information to give a rich picture of that individual's leadership style, characteristics
Inform your supervisor that you have completed the email : You must email your supervisor and leave a response updating him or her that you have sent out the new vacation policy email to staff.
Calculate the ph of the following : Calculate the pH of the following: Calculate the pOH for the following:
What is one strategy you could apply to your economic life : what is one strategy you could apply to your economic life at home? Discuss how we can use this information to encourage our own economic growth.
What would you like to do in the future : Consider your audience. Who do think will be reading this information? Consider what is important to the reader and emphasize those points.
Bank required by law to report to potential borrowers : What interest rate is the bank required by law to report to potential borrowers?


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