Propose an wellness program and explain why it would help

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Reference no: EM132421095 , Length: word count:500

Assignment is a memo you will be writing to your boss proposing a new wellness program at your workplace to encourage better employee engagement, less workplace incidents, and overall improve morale.

Your assignment should be structured as follows:

In one paragraph describe what the workplace is, and at least three different employee roles that exist. Mention a hazard as well.

Draft a memo that is approximately two paragraphs long. It should be directed to your boss. Propose an wellness program and explain why it would help the business.

Reference no: EM132421095

Questions Cloud

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12/21/2019 1:54:18 AM

Word Limit : 500 (2 Pages) No more then 500 words so please take care APA Format Please read and follow all these instructions properly and make assignment by following each and every step This is e-book

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