Define ethical problems that community police officers pose

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Reference no: EM132421092

Assignment: With the advent of community policing, certain concerns have been expressed as to potential ethical dilemmas that community-oriented police officers may experience as a result of their having greater discretion and more public interaction than other officers within the department.

1. Revise your Week 4 Key Assignment draft based on the instructor's and peers' feedback.

2. Once you have finished revising, respond to the following in 3 additional pages, and include your responses in your final Key Assignment Draft:

a. Describe some of the unique ethical problems that community police officers can pose.

b. Discuss how a change in police management styles can influence the police-community relationship.

c. What types of roles do contemporary police officers find themselves in given the shift toward community policing?

d. What services can be offered to citizens that will help improve crime prevention in a community? Explain.

i. What best practices can you foresee as being used to implement these additional community services? Explain.

e. Select 1 service, such as community watch, and explain how you would be able to improve it to prevent crime within a community.

i. Be specific in your recommendation, and support your arguments with academic and scholarly resources.

3. Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

Reference no: EM132421092

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