Primary function of human resource management

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132517856

Developing employees through the implementation of training and development opportunities is a primary function of human resource management (HRM). Performance measurement and appraisals are one way to determine what type of additional training is needed to ensure employee success.

Imagine that you have been hired as the human resource manager at an organization where you have previously worked or are currently working. Your first task is to assess areas for improving training and development and the performance appraisal system within the organization. Write an essay on your analysis of these two areas. Address the questions below in your assignment. Use headers to organize your paper and show what you are covering in your assignment.

Training and Development Analysis

What are the steps of the new hire training process? Are there any steps missing that you would add?

As the human resource manager, how would you evaluate the training needs of your staff?

How can you ensure that the training you would provide is effective? What data might be used to make your conclusion?

What considerations would you make for employee learning styles?

How would future training and development be impacted through human resource planning?

Do you have a plan to shape employee behavior within your organization? Why, or why not?

Performance Appraisal Analysis

As the human resource manager, what are two best practices you would follow when planning for employee performance appraisals?

What performance methods would you choose over other methods?

What are two of the common problems with appraisals? How would you avoid them in your organization?

What components do you think are required for effective human resource planning?

Reference no: EM132517856

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