Possible children couple could produce

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM132598955

About 70% of people get a bitter taste from the chemical phenyl thiocarbamide (PTC), while the other 30% do not. The ability to taste this chemical (T) is a dominant characteristic, while taste-blindness to it is recessive (t). Tongue-rolling ability is dominant (R), while the inability to roll the tongue is recessive (r). A tongue-rolling woman who is taste-blind for PTC has a father who could not roll his tongue but could taste the PTC chemical. She marries a man who can taste PTC but cannot roll his tongue. His mother was taste-blind to the chemical. Show the possible children this couple could produce?

Reference no: EM132598955

Questions Cloud

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Possible children couple could produce : About 70% of people get a bitter taste from the chemical phenyl thiocarbamide (PTC), while the other 30% do not.
Calculate the total manufacturing cost for job x : Calculate the amount of overapplied or underapplied overhead and state whether the Cost of Goods Sold account will be increased or decreased.
What was the genotype of the light-brown body fly : In Drosophila fruit flies, the wild-type allele for light-brown body (B) is dominant and the mutant allele for ebony body (b) is recessive.
What are life span development : What are Life span development / attachment theory identified and explained
Develop and understanding of gender roles in the society : Gender role analysis can be used to help client develop and understanding of gender roles in the society


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