Please advise and thank you very much

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132399632

In archival research, are there any cases where u tube interview, which is available on the internet, become a primary source to be used in thesis?

If there are such cases, please advise and thank you very much.

Reference no: EM132399632

Questions Cloud

Why does corporate culture matter to strategy execution : Why does corporate culture matter to the strategy execution process?
Starbucks is opening new stores abroad every day : If you were in charge, would you use expatriate managers or host-country nationals to staff the new facilities? Explain your thinking.
Implications of the suggested use of mis on industry : Implications (what are the implications of the suggested use of MIS on the industry?)
Why do you think competing businesses endeavor : Why do you think competing businesses endeavor to differentiate? How can external factors regulate the nature of competition within an industry?
Please advise and thank you very much : In archival research, are there any cases where u tube interview, which is available on the internet, become a primary source to be used in thesis?
Analyzing and choosing among alternative strategies : Why should culture be an important consideration in analyzing and choosing among alternative strategies? Select a company (any company of your choice)
Reflect on how you built and maintained relationships : Reflect on how you built and maintained relationships with the service users, providing examples of how this relationship enabled you to support.
Define how you can overcome the uneasiness : Nurses are caring people, and with that in mind, they sometimes have trouble asking patients personal or more intimate questions. Your assigned textbook.
Contrast the characteristics of psychological contract : Contrast the characteristics of psychological contract in traditional career model and contemporary model.


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Business Management Questions & Answers

  Important from a strategic perspective

Why is internal alignment important from a strategic perspective?

  Find five different personal definitions of success

Go to and key in "my definition of success" and "cultural differences." Read through the links and find five different personal definitions of success.

  Differences between management and leadership

Considering the differences between management and leadership, are true leaders born or do we have the capability to learn how to lead?

  What is the expected rate of return on investment

What is the Expected Rate of Return on an investment and what does it tell us about the probability of the risk involved with a particular investment?

  Decisions and the possible outcomes for the chance events

What is the decision to be made, what is the chance event, and what is the consequence? Identify the alternatives for the decisions and the possible outcomes for the chance events?

  Which would be more detrimental

Which would be more detrimental, an error in DNA synthesis, transcription, or translation? Justify your response

  Employees in it organization

Write down a policy listing expected ethical conduct characteristics for your employees in your IT organization.

  The kaizen philosophy seeks to encourage suggestions

The kaizen philosophy seeks to encourage suggestions, not to find excuses for failing to improve.

  When would one be preferred over the other

The two types of diversification are Related & Unrelated Diversity. When would one be preferred over the other?

  Welfare program that guarantees individuals

The government institutes a welfare program that guarantees individuals $2000/month. The guarantee is phased out immediately with the first dollar of income earned. How many hours does Martha work? What is her income?

  Critically analyse an organisation of your choice

Using relevant theoretical perspectives and frameworks, critically analyse an organisation of your choice. Within your analysis you should focus on no more than two selected topics from part two (this semester) of this programme.

  Develop trust in communicating corporate ethics

Explain how leaders and managers can overcome obstacles and develop trust in communicating corporate ethics.

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