Paper on stress and its effect on the brain and body

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Reference no: EM132579485


This is the topic of the paper.

Stress and Its Effect on the Brain and Body. Excessive human stress is widely regarded as a contributing factor to, or a cause of, numerous physical and mental diseases. This topic requires you to address the neurobiological mechanisms associated with the stress response, and how the brain responds to stress. In particular, you will need to identify how stress hormones can impede the well-being and normal functioning of the brain. Further, this topic should include an examination of the effects of stress on the functioning of specific brain structures such as the hippocampus, prefrontal cortex, and/or amygdala. (e.g., the associated brain regions, neurotransmitter systems, receptors, genetics, etc.).

The Proposal/Outline

Before you begin to write your term paper, you must submit a proposal or outline (1-2 pages, wordprocessed or typed) for approval. While you may not have acquired all your references at this point, be sure to include the ones you have or intend to obtain. The outline may be produced in point form. something listing the subtopics you plan to discuss, and ideally a list of references you're considering using.

Your term paper should be 3500 to 4500 words in length, which is about 12 to 15 double-spaced wordprocessed pages. Note that this does not include title pages, reference pages, figures, and appendices. The typical font size is 12 point (minimum acceptable size is 11 point) and the font style is Times New Roman. Finally, use one-inch margins all around. Primary (original and interpreted) and/or secondary citations within the text are to follow the APA format.

Note that it is quite uncommon to use quotations in scientific writing. When citing research, you should use your own words to describe the particular study.

Reference no: EM132579485

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