Organizational innovation revival within organization

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132524573

Throughout this course, you have been methodically investigating, analyzing, and proposing solutions for supporting innovative thinking within an organization. In this assignment, you will bring it all together in a final culminating assignment. The goal of the assignment is to persuade the organization to hire you to implement your innovative structures and strategies.

Create a persuasive video of your compelling vision for organizational innovation revival within the organization. Choose the most essential pieces from your assignments in Topics 3-7 to include in your 3-4 minute pitch, along with the steps to maintain your innovation structure.

For the video component of the assignment, you will create a document with the video access link and submit this document to your instructor.

In addition, you are required to submit the script of your pitch.

You are free to choose the method you are most comfortable using in order to create your video. Some options are a smartphone, tablet, video camera, or webcam. Upload your video to YouTube and copy that link in to a document for your instructor. You reserve the right to make the video public or private. Make sure to include:

An overview of the organization's history.

An assessment of the innovative culture within the organization.

A concise personal vision that describes yourself as an innovative leader.

An overview of your proposed organizational structure to improve innovation within the organization.

A summary highlighting your strategy for engaging innovative employees and fostering a climate of learning and development.

Steps you need to take and maintain in order to keep the innovation momentum within the organization.

Reference no: EM132524573

Questions Cloud

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Briefly summarize isaiah : What is the significance of this passage for Christians today? Describe the Christian view of salvation and how it differs from the views of other religions.
What the are strengths and weaknesses of utilitarianism : What are the key features of moral claims or norms, according to Vaughn? Do you agree? What the are strengths and weaknesses of Utilitarianism
Health care regulation compliance and quality management : Appraise and assess the relationship between health care regulation compliance and quality management.
Organizational innovation revival within organization : Create a persuasive video of your compelling vision for organizational innovation revival within the organization.
How can connect these aspects to art : Discuss two aspects (concepts, textual understandings, practices, rituals, holy celebrations) that have resonated with you throughout this course.
Discuss what is postmodernism : Explain What is postmodernism? How does effect the way people live? Is it anti-Christian, or are there ways in which it might be an ally to Christian thought?
Develop a visual board advertisement to show your ideas : Develop a visual board advertisement to show your ideas for rebranding and reviving the organization. This should be creative and visually appealing.
Discuss comparing and contrasting christianity and islam : In light of your reading in Sire, What are the central assumptions for each worldview/religion? How are they similar? How do they differ?


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