Open source software research project

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM131471830

PowerPoint Presentation

Open Source Software Research Project

Research an open source software project. Examples of open source projects are listed on page 123 of your textbook. You are not restricted to the open source projects listed on page 123; you may research one of your own choosing that interests you.

In MS PowerPoint, create a presentation with slides that describe the open source software and how it works. Discuss the role this open source software has in management information systems.

Remember, management information systems is the management and use of information systems that help organizations achieve their strategies (page 10 of your textbook).

Your PowerPoint must have a minimum of four slides. Be sure to use the 7X7 rule in PowerPoint: no more than 7 lines per slide and no more than 7 words per line. Use of images, graphics, and diagrams is required. Be sure to include your sources on a references slide in APA format.

Reference no: EM131471830

Questions Cloud

Four sm strategies : Which of the four SM strategies would best suit each of these organizations? Explain your selection for each organization
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What is the difference between a sale and a contract to sell : What property can be the subject of a sale? Give some examples. What is the difference between a sale and a contract to sell?
Develop two to three learning goals of your presentation : Rotary Club in your community has heard that you are studying entrepreneurship in graduate program. Develop two to three learning goals of your presentation
Open source software research project : Research an open source software project. Examples of open source projects are listed on page 123 of your textbook.
What are identified goods : What determines whether a contract is for the sale of goods or the providing of a service?
Identify possible risks-constraints and assumptions : Identify possible risks, constraints, and assumptions. Describe scope and analyze how to control the scope. Use two quality resources in this assignment.
How does technology affect managerial communications : How does technology affect managerial communications?
Can a buyer and a seller make a sale of future goods : Can a completely innocent party to an illegal sale get any assistance from a court?


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