Meaning of contracts not to be performed within 1 year

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM132011573

Background: The PI owners are having difficulty understanding the application of the Statute of Frauds to their business and have several questions about the doctrine.

Instructions: With Pat's and Gale's approval, you email the PI owners answering their questions in paragraph format.

A. What is the meaning of "Contracts not to be performed within 1 year"?

B. What is an example of a contract not to be performed within 1 year that could arise in the context of the PI business?

C. Is the following hypothetical scenario a valid sales contract under the Statue of Frauds - why or why not?

Scenario: Buyer purchased $1200 worth of paint from PI. Buyer paid in cash; PI gave Buyer a cash register receipt for the purchase.

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This is a contract law task. The contract law mainly concerns the one year rule in the contract law and the sales of good act. The task is divided into different questions and every question has been answered separately. A list of references are also included in this task.

Reference no: EM132011573

Questions Cloud

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6/7/2018 7:52:12 AM

Adheres to Instructions 0.5 points Fully follows instructions, attempts all required parts of learning activity. .45 - .50 0.4 points Follows most, but not all, instructions, and/or attempts most, but not all, required parts of learning activity. .40 - .445 0.35 points Fails to follow approximately half of instructions, and/or fails to attempt approximately half of required parts of learning activity. .35 - .395 0.3 points Fails to follow most or all instructions, and/or fails to attempt most or all required parts of learning activity; OR fails to submit learning activity. 0 - .30


6/7/2018 7:52:07 AM

APA Usage 1 point Posts contain the appropriate number of APA in-text citations and reference list matches; no errors are present. .90 - 1.0 0.8 points Attempts in-text citations and reference list but errors in formatting exist; paraphrasing is not accurate or in-text citations are not used frequently enough. .80 - .89 0.7 points Attempts in-text citations or reference list but omits one or the other. In-text citations seldom used where warranted. .70 - .79 0 points No evidence of APA used. 0


6/7/2018 7:52:00 AM

Writing Clarity & Mechanics 0.5 points Contributes to discussion with clear, concise comments formatted in an easy to read style that is free of grammatical & spelling errors. .45 - .50 0.4 points Contributes valuable information to discussion with minor clarity and mechanics errors. .40 - .445 0.35 points Communicates in friendly & courteous manner but with substantial errors in clarity and/or mechanics. .35 - .395 0 points Little to no evidence of proofreading or attempt at applying conventional writing mechanics. 0


6/7/2018 7:51:56 AM

Level 2 Level 1 2.1 points Demonstrates some to minimal evidence of critical analysis, and evidence of having read course materials and understanding of concepts; analysis is superficial in one/more areas and sufficient only to complete learning activity with little or no evidence of depth of understanding and/or support for conclusions. 2.1 - 2.37 1.8 points Does not meet minimal requirements for assignment; inferior in most or all areas OR submits no assignment. 0 - 1.8


6/7/2018 7:51:51 AM

Criteria Level 4 Level 3 Learning Activity Analysis 3 points Demonstrates critical analysis, depth of analysis, comprehensive development of concepts, issues, and their application to facts; shows evidence of having read course materials and understanding of concepts. 2.7 - 3.0 2.4 points Demonstrates generally superior critical analysis, and evidence of having read course materials and understanding of concepts, but some additional development and more comprehensive discussion of the assigned materials, concepts, issues, and their application to facts is needed. 2.4 - 2.67

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