Making is associated with functional departmentalization

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM131792178

True or False

1. Slower decision making is associated with functional departmentalization.

2. Violation of the 4/5ths Rule is an automatic indication of of discrimination.

3. Group differences should be treated as important and special.

4. With gainsharing, teams share the financial value of performance goals.

5. A Job posting within the company is a type on internal recruiting.

Reference no: EM131792178

Questions Cloud

Employees-managers intensely dislike performance appraisals : Most employees and managers intensely dislike performance appraisals.
What is the amount of consolidated net income : Cashen Co. paid $2,400,000 to acquire all of the common stock of Janex Corp. on January 1, 2009. What is the amount of consolidated net income
Evaluate issues in the current environment : Evaluate issues in the current environment that affect the demand for and supply of engineering and technical personnel.
Create a questionnaire for parents in your program : Create a questionnaire for parents to complete upon enrolling their child in your program or classroom. Think of at least 10 questions that you might ask.
Making is associated with functional departmentalization : Slower decision making is associated with functional departmentalization.
Compare each of the given ratios for the foreign subsidiary : Compare each of the following ratios for the foreign subsidiary in its functional currency after translation to the same ratios in the local currency.
Compare and contrast the findings and recommendations : Compare and contrast the findings and recommendations from the perspective of a healthcare administrator or chief of medical staff.
What is the annual accounting income : The tax rate is 35% and the company's discount rate is 14%. What is the annual accounting income
Determine the talent and leadership options for organization : Selection of the top-level reporting structure for your selected organization based on the organization's design criteria.


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