Juvenile justice system

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Reference no: EM133108846

The purpose of this Discussion Board is to learn more about the juvenile court in your jurisdiction and how cases move through the juvenile justice system. Within federal courts, juvenile cases are heard in the same court. However, during the proceedings, the courtroom is cleared and closed to the public.

Research the juvenile court system in your jurisdiction (state courts), and address the following questions:

Is your juvenile court in the same location as your state trial court? If not, why do you think that is?

Do you agree that juvenile courts should be closed to the public?

If you could change one thing about juvenile courts to improve the courts, what would it be, and why?

Reference no: EM133108846

Questions Cloud

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Standards of care and medical practice : Describe the legal responsibility health care professionals have in relation to risk and the prevention of injury within their scope of practice.
Describe the crime analysis process : Describe the crime analysis process, and then explain how secondary and primary data are collected.
Drug possession-abuse and correlation to criminal activity : Written on the legalization of marijuana in many US states and the relationship between drug possession/abuse and the correlation to criminal activity
Juvenile justice system : The purpose of this Discussion Board is to learn more about the juvenile court in your jurisdiction and how cases move through the juvenile justice system.
Local criminal defense law firm : Assume that you are working at a local criminal defense law firm. The managing partner has asked you to research the following issues.
Major banking center in metropolitan city : You are working as a private security guard at a major banking center in a metropolitan city.
Describe recent cybercrime : Describe a recent cybercrime and what cybercrime theory you believe applies to this case?
Legal professions give rise to specific social injustices : Does discrimination in legal professions give rise to specific social injustices? what other ways does discrimination manifest itself in the legal environment.


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