Improve efficiency which in turn boosts the productivity

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM131452089

Information systems are usually important for business and therefore they develop them due to the following: Businesses develop them in order to improve efficiency which in turn boosts the productivity. Information systems support data intensive operations and therefore makes it easy for the businesses to operate efficiently and faster with an improved productivity.

Currently, every business runs on information and it has a different way of gathering, recording, storing and even manipulating the information. The business therefore develops the information system in this case to help in the collection, storage and manipulation of data efficiently and effectively.

Due to the changes that have occurred due to the technological advancements, there is a change in the way information management in an organization or business is carried out. The businesses therefore develop information systems to keep at par with the technological changes which interfere with the mode of information storage and retrieval.

One of the wrong reasons that the businesses give for developing information systems is because of the belief that every other business has one. They tend to cope to be like other businesses which at the end of the day affect their operations drastically. An example is a business dealing with the supply of sanitary towels having the same information system as the one that sells drinks. This should be a totally different information system but due to the belief that they need to have them, they develop them wrongly.

Some believe they are falling behind the technology curve and therefore they have to develop the information system. As much as technological advancement plays a major role in the information system, what some businesses tend not to understand is that each and every business has its own technological advancement level and therefore creating them for the sake of it is uncalled off.


Reference no: EM131452089

Questions Cloud

What is strategic role that corporate social responsibility : What is the strategic role that corporate social responsibility and codes of ethics play in global management? What are the political risk corporation may face?
Explain what packet sniffers do : One of the questions in the Guide in Chapter 4 (question 6, page 103) has your professor installing spyware on your computer so she can obtain all your instant
Organizational change and development : Discuss some of the unpredictable challenges that can occur when change is implemented. How can these affect sustainability?
What is the outcome of ians response to the situation : What is the outcome of Ian's response to the situation? If Ian does not report Ellen, what is the struggle within Ian's mind? What should Ian do and why?
Improve efficiency which in turn boosts the productivity : Information systems are usually important for business and therefore they develop them due to the following:
Identify at least three ethical and legal issues : Identify at least three ethical and legal issues that should be considered when making the decision of where to locate the convention.
Prepare a set of recommendations to your top management : Prepare a set of recommendations to your top management - i.e. with respect to (a) stock of volatile materials, (b) equipment spare parts and (c) costly equipment.
Which of these programs are dbms products : Microsoft offers free licenses of certain software products to students at colleges and universities that participate in its DreamSpark program.
Organizational behavior-a practical : How does the perception process affect the quality of my decisions and interpersonal relationships?


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