Identity which aspects of lean philosophy

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM132410393

For your initial post (minimum 150 words), select a thriving organization in your city or town that is operating in operational excellence, per the defined concepts in your textbook, in order to address the following questions*

You must also respond to two other classmates (minimum of 75 words each)

Ch. 14: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are used to plan and control important day-to-day operations. If ERP is not already in use at your chosen organization, should it be introduced and if so why?

Ch. 15: Identity which aspects of lean philosophy and lean techniques are utilized by your selected organization.

Ch. 16: Which improvement technique would assist your organization with retaining their position relative to their competitors?

Ch. 17: Describe how your selected organization ensures the quality of their products/services.

Reference no: EM132410393

Questions Cloud

Challenges of implementing information governance policy : Challenges of Implementing Information Governance Policy for Cloud Computing."
What ports or port types will have unusual activity : An intern employee names James has found a USB on the ground coming into work, he wants to find the owner. What ports or port types will have unusual activity.
Companies need to experience crisis to take risk seriously : Do you think that companies need to experience a crisis to take risk seriously?
Skills or theories of course physical security : How knowledge, skills or theories of course (Physical Security) have been applied, or could be applied, in practical manner to your current work environment
Identity which aspects of lean philosophy : Identity which aspects of lean philosophy and lean techniques are utilized by your selected organization.
Operations improvement and quality management : Quality Management Any company, regardless of size, product or service, is one to which you can apply the principles of operational excellence.
E-government to energy efficiency in view of climate change : Locate a source on the contribution of e-government to energy efficiency in view of climate change
Topic of managerial issues of networked organization : Research at least two articles on the topic of managerial issues of a networked organization.
Analyze the information systems risk management plans : Research and select three public companies within the telecommunication industry. Analyze the Information Systems Risk Management Plans.


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