E-government to energy efficiency in view of climate change

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM132410391

Locate a source on the contribution of e-government to energy efficiency in view of climate change and provide a broad range of focus on how IT may contribute to support urban development, governance, and policy. You may use our library to locate scholarly articles, select a topic from the appendix of chapter 18 of your textbook or use external sources to locate an article. Support your thoughts and assessment using minimum four references.

Address the following:

• Identify a sector and the role of ICT for policy development?

• Reflect on the key characteristics of the initiative?

• Assess the policy implications.

Your submission should be approximately 1000 words and demonstrate proper APA formatting and style. Include a cover page and an abstract.

Attachment:- Policy practice and digital science.rar

Reference no: EM132410391

Questions Cloud

Companies need to experience crisis to take risk seriously : Do you think that companies need to experience a crisis to take risk seriously?
Skills or theories of course physical security : How knowledge, skills or theories of course (Physical Security) have been applied, or could be applied, in practical manner to your current work environment
Identity which aspects of lean philosophy : Identity which aspects of lean philosophy and lean techniques are utilized by your selected organization.
Operations improvement and quality management : Quality Management Any company, regardless of size, product or service, is one to which you can apply the principles of operational excellence.
E-government to energy efficiency in view of climate change : Locate a source on the contribution of e-government to energy efficiency in view of climate change
Topic of managerial issues of networked organization : Research at least two articles on the topic of managerial issues of a networked organization.
Analyze the information systems risk management plans : Research and select three public companies within the telecommunication industry. Analyze the Information Systems Risk Management Plans.
Survey at least two it organizations in ethics frameworks : Survey at least two IT organizations in Ethics frameworks (for example, ACM has its framework on Ethics).
Discusses digital divide in the in us and internationally : Discusses the Digital Divide in the in the U.S. and internationally. State whether you believe that there is a "digital divide" and why.


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