Identify the three first steps of the generic framework

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Reference no: EM132516205 , Length: 5 pages + 8 ppt

BUS 302 e-business - Emirates College of Technology

[Case study #1] Budapester increased mobile conversion rates by 29% by communicating its USP more prominently

Astoundingly, the brand's website had been seeing hundreds of thousands of visitors each month-but its conversion rates were abysmal. The problem was even worse on mobile, where Budapester's conversion rate was less than half that of its desktop alternative.

Once more, the above information is now prominently displayed to the consumer-this time in two ways. In addition to the change to the header, the website now displays the company's offer for free shipping in a green font that stands out at the bottom of the screen.

The end result of Budapester's efforts, as Growcode explains:"Its overall conversion rate increased by 12.5%, with its mobile conversion rate going up by nearly 30%. All in all, this equated to an additional 120,000€."
There are three main lessons to take away, here:

Firstly, it's essential that you communicate your value to your potential customers in a clear and concise manner. If you offer something of value-say, free shipping on orders over $100-but you don't tell your visitors about are they supposed to know?
On the other side of this, you want to avoid including redundant or unnecessary information anywhere on your eCommerce website. Not

only might this be distracting to your visitors, but it also takes up physical space on your site that could have been put to better use.
Finally, it's worth pointing out that optimizing your site might not mean you need to do a complete overhaul. As was the case with Budapester, a few tiny, seemingly insignificant tweaks can be all your site needs to start generating a massive amount of conversions.

Question: 1- Identify the three first steps of the generic framework of Budapester e-marketing strategy.

[eCommerce case study #2] Amerisleep increased checkouts by 13.9% by focusing copy on the true benefits of its products
Amerisleep decided to take a different approach to improving its website:

Rather than adding or deleting certain information, the team decided to focus on improving the messaging of the site's copy-in a few ways.
First, the team dug deeper into the true benefits their products provide their customers. In Amerisleep's case, this meant going beyond promising "a good night's sleep," and instead focusing on how getting a good night's sleep every night can be absolutely life-changing.
Secondly, the team aimed to reduce hesitation among its visitors by addressing the importance of immediate action. Rather than discussing the above benefits in a more hypothetical manner, the site's copy was adjusted to address the idea that every night spent tossing and turning is another night visitor will never get back.

Lastly, the team tweaked some rather ambiguous copy comparing Amerisleep's products to its competitors' and made it more clear.Again, these relatively minor tweaks had major implications for Amerisleep: That 13.9% increase in conversion rate we mentioned equated to millions of dollars in added revenue over the course of the next year.

The overarching takeaway here is to write your copy with your audience in mind at all times.
This means:
• Ensuring they understand the true value your product will bring to their lives, and what it will enable them to do or accomplish
• Instilling a sense of urgency in your visitors, so they not only understand what they have to gain from using your product, but also what they have to lose by not using it
• Double- (triple-, and quadruple-) checking your copy to be absolutely certain it means what you want it to mean-and that your visitors will interpret it in the same way

Question: 1- Identify the characteristics of the digital media communication of Amerisleep and what are the online marketing communication techniques used by this company to perform his orientation.

[eCommerce case study #3] eCommerce companies saw a 27% spike in sales by increasing marketing spend during the 2014 World Cup

The 2014 World Cup was not only the most-watched sporting event on television of the 21st century - it was the most-watched event of any kind, period.Such an enormous audience made for some major opportunities for eCommerce companies all over the world.
Of course, it also made for heft competition for brands operating in niches like sporting goods, clothing, and memorabilia.As SEMRush explains, the brands that came out on top were the ones who:
• Increased their presence on the right channels (specifically, social media),
• Adjusted their ad copy to target soccer fans from specific nations (e.g. whose teams were making a run for the World Cup)
• Developed relevant and valuable offers to address time-sensitivity (e.g. fast and free shipping to ensure orders were received before the Wolrd Cup had ended)
The opportunistic initiatives led to some MASSIVE revenues for eCommerce companies. In Brazil, eCommerce purchases spiked by $16.6 BILLION, or 27% above the average. After Germany ended up winning, German-based eCommerce activity increased by a whopping 75%!
First and foremost - and this goes any business, online or brick-and-mortar - you need to recognize an opportunity when it comes up and strike when the iron's hot.It's worth noting that Brazillian-based eCommerce activity dropped by 17% immediately once the national team was eliminated from the tournament.
As far as recognizing these opportunities, you'll want to keep an eye on upcoming events - be it a sports tournament, music festival, fashion show, etc. - that relate, in some way, to your brand's offerings.
The goal is to "piggyback" off the hype created by these events and market your products to those who are attending or engaged with the event in some way or another.
There are two main ways to go about this:
You might simply do as the brands mentioned above did and ramp up your marketing initiatives throughout the timespan of the event, or, if possible, reach out to the host of the event to see if they'd be interested in partnering up in some way. This might mean sponsoring the event (in lieu of upping your ad spend) or even setting up a pop-up shop at the actual event
Away proves, this can be done in a way so that your promotional materials actually provide value to your audience-and don't come off as "salesy."
Question: 1- Identify the strategy process model adopted this e-commerce company.

Attachment:- e-business.rar

Reference no: EM132516205

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5/15/2020 3:31:24 AM

Need to A. approach the questions of the case study separately by adopting an inductive method. In other words, the answer should be based on the situation discussed in the case study, after use the relevant concept studied in the theory (use attached handouts). B. Ppt as points not paragraph do not forget to add conclusion.

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