Identify the sources for direct purchasing

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Reference no: EM132166661

Question: Write a Marketing Plan considering the following points

PART-A: 1. Introduction, Goals and Objectives

To introduce this section you should include the "mission statement" of the business; an idea of what its goals are for customers, clients, employees and the consumer.

• Introduction about the business.

• Businessvision and mission

• Businessobjective.

• Products and services offered

2. Environmental Analysis

Conduct an environmental analysis that looks at and comments on your local area and your network of business contacts, competitors and customers.

Political- Political situation that persist, their influence on the decisions making process to be evaluated.

Social/Cultural-Social/Cultural forces that affect attitudes, interests and opinions.

Technological-A brief of the technological factors influencing the overall performance.

Economic-The economic factorsthat dictate how consumers, suppliers and other organizational stakeholders behave within society.

Suppliers- Identify the sources for direct purchasing, describing their locations, the frequency of orders and the type and amount of suppliers to be contacted.

Competitors- Identify the direct competitors by naming their business, describing their facilities and operations, identifying their share of the consumer market, realizing support for their product and by reviewing the weaknesses of their approach.

Reference no: EM132166661

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