Identify the source of the problem for employees

Assignment Help Marketing Management
Reference no: EM131802515

PowerPoint Presentation Assignment

Chapter 5 of the course textbook proposes a four-stage creative process to resolve problems and issues (pages 99-101). Apply the four-stage process to the following scenario:

Imagine you are the manager of the marketing department for a luxury-brand watch manufacturer. Sales have slowed in recent years, in the wake of the economic downturn.

•Develop a PowerPoint Presentation that includes the following:

•Use at least one source from the CSU Online Library.

•Identify the source of the problem for employees in your department.

Persuade and motivate employees to fully support the plan.

•Employ creative-thinking strategies to present a solution to the problem.

Your presentation should be at least ten slides in length. All sources used must be cited and referenced according to APA format.

Reference no: EM131802515

Questions Cloud

What is the bottleneck in the process : Consider the following four-step assembly operation with quality problems. All resources are staffed by one employee. The first resource has a processing time.
Product placement concerning advertising to children : What are anyone's thoughts on the use of product placement concerning advertising to children? Is it ethical? What are some positives and negatives?
Nab company name and explain its significance : NAB company name and explain its significance. Develop your company's Mission Statement and provide a rationale for its components.
What is the character of foreaker gain : Foreaker bought the land two years ago for $42,500. What is the character of Foreaker's gain
Identify the source of the problem for employees : Use at least one source from the CSU Online Library. Identify the source of the problem for employees in your department.
Portrayed years of unethical situations : Hawkeye Pierce and BJ Hunnicutt portrayed years of unethical situations on the popular show MASH. Through their comical depiction of these situations
What are the demographic characteristics of consumers : What are the demographic characteristics of consumers who belong to the PowerUp Rewards program (loyalty program) of GameStop (video games and accessories).
Manager of a large healthcare organization : You are the marketing manager of a large healthcare organization in the USA. How would you direct your marketing efforts in light of the statement above?
Prepare a single-step pro forma income statement : Prepare a single-step pro forma income statement for Calcor Company for the year ended November 30, 2009,


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