Identify the proper leadership style category

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM133269072

Question: Select three organizational leaders to analyze from current research to educate a team on the importance of leading and following. This could be a team you currently work with or a team you wish to lead in the future.

Construct a three-quadrant matrix or chart that includes the three leaders. In the matrix, analyze and critique each leader concerning Douglas MacGregor's Theory X and Theory Y in terms of team building. Also, identify the proper leadership style category for each leader in your assessment and justify why you assigned the leader that category.

Then, using the information from the matrix, construct a job aid resource, such as a tip sheet or mini resource guide, for the team to share the importance of each leader. In your job aid, include brief examples of various situations or actions that reflect the type of leader each person is. Determine the pros and cons of this type of leader and identify the situation(s) where this type of leader would be most successful. Also, demonstrate the type of situation(s) when this leader would not be as successful based on MacGregor's Theory X and Theory Y. Your end goal is to prepare the team for future leadership.

Reference no: EM133269072

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