Identify the effects of compassion fatigue on social workers

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Reference no: EM133241784

Question - Option A - Watch one of the films listed here and answer the following questions in your discussion.

Films to select from (These films portray the harsh realities of PTSD including relationship issues and some involve suicide):

-The War at Home

-The Deer Hunter

-Coming Home

-American Sniper

-Thank You For Your Service

Questions for your discussion:

1. How did the film deal with the etiology of the featured trauma- and stressor-related disorder of PTSD?

2. Given the textbook's description of symptoms that are typical for a person with a diagnosis of PTSD, evaluate how well the movie portrayed this disorder.

3. Was there any additional information you would have liked to see in order to support the diagnosis?

4. At what point in the movie did you determine the presence of PTSD in the particular character's role?

5. Did you consider a co-occurring disorder (and if so, specify the disorder)?

Option B - Research and respond to the following: Secondary traumatization and compassion fatigue comes about as a result of empathic engagement with another's trauma and can affect social workers. For your discussion post:

Identify the effects of compassion fatigue on social workers and make a list of suggestions about what can be done if this happens to another professional (or to you).

Imagine you are a clinical supervisor who is concerned about a supervisee who is showing signs of compassion fatigue; such as absenteeism, becoming cynical about clients, late in submitting reports and so on. How would you bring up these concerns in supervision?

Reference no: EM133241784

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